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Conflict Sensitive Journalism

in Davao

Cover of Conflict-Sensitive Journalism Teaching Guide: Philosophy and Practice
© forumZFD

With its power to shape public opinion and decision-making, media is an important factor when it comes to conflict dynamics in the Philippines, and Mindanao specifically. In cooperation with the Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (PECOJON), forumZFD promotes the concept of Conflict Sensitive Journalism (CSJ).

CSJ is derived from the study of journalism as a discipline, combined with conflict analysis and practical experience of multiple journalists in the field. The basic rationale is that journalists will acquire a better understanding of the conflict they are reporting about by using specific conflict analysis tools, resulting in more comprehensive information sharing about the conflict. This in turn can have a positive effect on emerging conflict dynamics.

ForumZFD's aim is to introduce the framework of CSJ to students in communication programs, who eventually will become future journalists and media practitioners. Over the last four years, various trainings for teachers have resulted in the establishment of the Media Educators Mindanao network (MEM), with teachers actively integrating and promoting CSJ in their curricula. Together with this network, forumZFD developed a teaching guide on CSJ and a video explaining the concept. Now, forumZFD works on opportunities for students and teachers to apply theory to practice by producing their own CSJ articles and reports.

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