"Hello everyone, especially we would like to say hello to our forumZFD friends in Germany as well as around the globe.

Peace and greeting from Cambodia.

My name is Venerable Sovechea, President of Preah Sihanouk Reach University Battambang Province, here is Venerable Tola, my colleague, he is the director of the relation and cooperation office at my school.

On the special occasion of the 25th anniversary of forumZFD we would like to say congratulations for your great achievements as well as networking around the globe.

Through our working and cooperating with our dear and close partner forumZFD in Cambodia we have achieved a lot of good things for the benefit of our brothers and sisters especially the community in Battambang, Cambodia.

We have nothing to say to express our love and sincere thanks to our dear friends of forumZFD in Cambodia as well as around the world but we would like to say some words to express our feeling today:

The world is our house and all human beings are our brothers and sisters to help them to serve them to love them is our all duties and religions. May all being live in happiness and peace.

Thank you very much."

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