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مفاتيح اللاعنف :العين مش بالعين (2014 - Ongoing)

An Eye not for an Eye" is a Peace Education participatory training for activists, teachers and educators in Lebanon, aimed at sensitizing the younger generation for the methods of non-violent communication and culture.

Eye Hasan
© forumZFD

The young generation in Lebanon is exposed to various forms of violence on a daily basis. Sectarian divides and socio-economic deprivation have greatly impacted different aspects of their lives and interactions, leading to increasing tension and frustration. Teachers and educators are struggling from the lack of alternatives and tools to deal with violence in school and communities. 

Our approach

In an effort to contribute to filling the gap and furthering the culture of and the possibilities for non-violent conflict transformation in Lebanon, the “An Eye Not for an Eye” manual aims at sensitizing the Lebanese public, particularly the young generation , on the methods and the effectiveness of non-violent communication in Lebanon. 

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© forumZFDLeb

What we do

In 2014 forumZFD developed the handbook “An Eye not for an Eye”. The manual revolves around 5 topics:

· Dealing with Oneself

· Dealing with the Other

· The Others and Me in conflict

· Distinguishing between emotions and needs

· Non-Violent Communication

· Examples of non-violent activism

The handbook was used in diverse frameworks, e.g. with teachers to equip them with tools and methods to promote non-violent behaviour among students, but also with NGOs focusing on conflict transformation between refugees and host communities.
Six years after publishing the first edition, and in consultation with our partners from Steps, it was deemed necessary to update the handbook to keep it relevant and in-demand at a time, where many new approaches in the field of peace-building as well as informal value-based education were introduced to educational institutions and NGOs. By re-publishing the manual, we support educational institutions in strengthening social cohesion in times of the unprecedented socio-economic crisis. 

Our theories of change

We assume that the application of non-violent methods of conflict transformation in educational settings in Lebanon reinforces positive management of differences. This will lead to a society where people interact in respectful non-violent ways.

 To show examples of non-violent activism in Lebanon’s history a short movie was developed and included into the sixth chapter of the handbook.

The Handbook (Arabic) can be downloaded here. To find out more about this project, please watch the video below or download the one pager here!

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