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The exhibition “Peace with women’s face” in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The exhibition “Peace with women’s face” in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina

The exhibition "Peace with women's face" is open on 7th March in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The exhibition is organized within the BiH Gender Equality Week, coordinated by the Agency for Gender Equality of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
The exhibition “Peace with women’s face” in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina 1
© forumZFD Bosnia and Herzegovina

The exhibition organizers are the Commission for Gender Equality of the House of Representatives of the BiH Parliamentary Assembly, the Agency for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Human Rights and Refugees of BiH, the Initiative "Peace with Women's Face" and forumZFD in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The exhibition is a result of cooperation and efforts of the women's peace movement Mir sa ženskim licem (Peace with Women's Face) and Forum Ziviler Friedensdienst (forumZFD) together with the History Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina to integrate a female perspective in the process of dealing with the past and peace building in Bosnia and Herzegovina and present the women's side of the story about the survival and overcoming the consequences of war.

The exhibition is dedicated to all the women of Bosnia and Herzegovina who work hard every day to build peace and can inspire young women today in building a better BiH society.

So far, it has been shown in 12 cities in BiH and beyond: Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Bijeljina, Mostar, Modriča, Bihać, Prijedor, Zenica, Belgrade, Aachen (Germany) and Brčko district of BiH.

The catalogue of the exhibition can be downloaded from this link

More than 60 visitors were at the exhibition's opening, including the High Representative in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Mr Christian Schmidt, local politicians and representatives from international organizations.

More about the opening of the exhibition can be found below on media links:

Sedmica ravnopravnosti polova: U Parlamentarnoj skupštini BiH otvorena izložba Mir sa ženskim licem

Izložba 'Mir sa ženskim licem” otvorena u zgradi Parlamentarne skupštine

‘Žene kao heroine, a ne žrtve’

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