All relevant information, such as the registration link, call for abstracts and logistical information can be found on the conference website.
Why should you attend the 'On Conflict-Sensitive Journalism' conference? Well, because four trail-blazers of conflict-sensitive journalism, from the Philippines and Germany, together with eighteen Filipino and international researchers will share about reporting armed and non-armed conflicts. They will contextualize facts, explore and explain how news events evolve, and pursue multiple perspectives in order to give us insights behind the interests and needs of actors in the news. And they will inspire us on how the media can engage in a nuanced dialogue to address conflicts in a non-violent way.
Exited to be part of this activity? Register now!
The 'On Conflict-Sensitive Journalism' Conference is a joint initiative of Media Educators of Mindanao, Inc. (MEM), Peace and Conflict Journalism Network (PECOJON), forumZFD, Deutsche Gesellscaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication (AIJC) and the Asian Media Information and Communication Center (AMIC).
Conflict-sensitive journalism has been developed as a theoretical and practical framework for media practitioners to cover conflict in a responsible way. It was borne out of the study of journalism, an understanding of conflict science and the experience of hundreds of journalists. With the organizing of an international academic conference, we seek to draw broad lines of inquiry into the discipline, practice and craft of reporting crisis, conflict, and violence, and the context within which reportage unfolds.
Keep an eye on the conference website or our news section for more updates.